IMGL3450_©Ch. Mouton

Temple protestant d’Orléans

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The temple was born of a desire to reform Christianity initiated by theologians such as Martin Luther and Jean Calvin, Protestantism was structured in France in the middle of the 16th century. It was probably inspired by a Roman tomb and was built from the plans of François Narcisse Pagot, an architect from the city of Orléans who was steeped in ancient culture. The entrance portal of the temple has an Ionic pediment surrounded by four columns, the rotunda is crowned with a frieze, decorated with medallions with rays and masks of angels. It is one of the few round temples in France. Inaugurated in 1839, it was listed in the supplementary inventory of historical monuments in 1969, and has been protected since 13 March 1975.

Temple protestant d’Orléans
Labels and clusters
  • Ville d'art et d'histoire
Site and monuments theme
  • Church
Spoken language(s)
  • French
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